A Classic Theatre is holding auditions for actors to participate in an exciting staged reading of “Lysistrata” by Aristophanes. The play is a bawdy comedy celebrating the power of women and a condemnation of war. These women use the only means they had to stop their men fighting, withholding sex! Lysistrata is the heroine who convinces women from Athens and neighboring Sparta to join forces, thus creating what can be called the very first women’s movement! Life being what it is, the play shines a light on the comedy of politics, power, lust and greed.
Roles for female and male actors, from their 20s to their 90s, who have a facility with language and a sense of humor. Auditionees will read from the script. Sides are available for perusal prior to audition upon request. Email aclassictheatre@hotmail.com to request sides.
The production will be directed by Harolyn Sharpe, who is a talented actress/director as well as a professor of speech at FSCJ. Producer Jean Rahner remarked, “This is a golden opportunity for actors to use their acting skills, learn more about a famous classic, and have fun while doing it.”
The production is scheduled for three performances during the Romanza Festivale of the Arts on May 11, 12 and 13, 2018.
Audition Schedule
Wednesday, April 4th at 6:30pm at Building C (the small building between the St. Augustine Beach City Hall and the Police Station), 2200 A1A South.
Saturday, April 7th at 2:00pm in the Community Room of the St. Augustine Beach City Hall, 2200 A1A South.
Rehearsals begin Wednesday, April 11, and are initially scheduled for Wednesday & Monday evenings.